Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Our next hiro..

Name: Nanaho
Super-nic: LavaGirl
Profile: Is always sweet and nice till Lava emerges
Skill2kill4: Hotter than the mostest, even hotter than Paris Hilton
Super-duper Powers: Can melt anything, Can burn anything - even ice, you can truly consider yourself incinerated already

Name: Kumiko
Super-nic: Wonder Girl
Profile: Wonderwoman lah but when she was just a Girl
Skill2kill4: Pretty wonderful and Amazingly Breathtaking Beautiful
Super-duper Powers: Invulnerability and the ability to fly an invisible aeroplane

name: Taiki
Super-nic: Iceman
Profile: Cool as an Icicle
Skill2kill4: Ice cool and simply chilling ability to make Instant Ice Creams
Super-duper Powers: Ice generation and manipulation of water into funny ice forms
Name: Ayumu
Super-nic: Sun Goddess
Profile: Shines brillantly above all stars
Skill2kill4: Spreads her smile faster than a speeding bullet
Super-duper Powers: Indestructible; Ability to shine without waning nor wavering

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